
Locksmith Westminster Blog

Let us help you protect you and your family, your property, home and business. We'll arrive in less than 30 minutes and take care of your locksmith needs.

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By Michaela Hengel June 6, 2024
Secure Your Sliding Glass Door Properly
By Mark T. November 16, 2023
Is it possible to get a new key made without the original?
By Mikayla Robbins September 5, 2023
The cost of Installing a smart lock is less than you think!
By Gwen Thelen May 11, 2023
Should I break my window or call a Locksmith?
By Mark Thelen May 10, 2022
Get the low down on Key Cutting by a Locksmith
By Gwen Thelen July 20, 2021
Though it may seem obvious what a mobile locksmith is and does, many are surprised by the vast things that a mobile locksmith can do for you. To begin with, a mobile locksmith is a professional who is trained in key and lock services, that makes service calls. The key is, they come to you, instead of you having to go to them. They deliver a wide variety of lock-related solutions for car, house, business, garage, safes, and anything that requires a lock. As in any other trade or profession, a locksmith can focus exclusively on a certain kind of work, residential or commercial, for example. Consider the following reasons to hire a locksmith who can come to your location the next time you need help with a lock. They get to your location fast The primary benefit to calling a local mobile locksmith is the speed with which they arrive where you need them to be. They are trained to respond as quickly as possible. Most often they are called in emergency situations such as a lockout or broken lock or key so they are excellent at responding to "last minute"notices. They can provide emergency repairs There are many emergency situations in which you might need a mobile locksmith: Broken key in the ignition - A mobile locksmith is trained to remove a key from the ignition safely, without damage to other parts of the lock. Key won't turn in the ignition - Did you know a mobile locksmith is trained to repair ignitions? Broken locks - a sudden break can occur for any number of reasons, leaving you stranded in a parking lot, or unable to enter your home. A break-in in your car, home or business can leave locks damaged and in need of replacement or repair. Malfunctioning smart lock - a mobile locksmith can assist you to get your smart lock operating correctly again. Locked out of your home, business or car Broken key - a mobile locksmith can often make a key on the spot. Peace of mind Almost impossible to measure, is the peace of mind that a trained locksmith can give you in any situation. From knowing you are safe and secure with properly operating locks, to having them come out to where you are in any emergency.
By Gwen Thelen June 14, 2021
The short answer is yes, a locksmith can fix your car's ignition. Sometimes, after you insert the key into the ignition, it won't actually turn. This means your car ignition lock cylinder is stuck. You can call a Locksmith, but there are a few things that you can do before that. Though several of them won't seem as easy as calling a locksmith. ASK YOUR DEALER You can bring your car registration (remember your ID) to the nearest dealership and ask them to make a mechanical key. A mechanical key is a regular key without. the transponder chip. It's possible that the key you are using isn't operating properly because it is worn out and you may discover that the problem isn't with your ignition, but with the key. When you get the new key, try turning your ignition. If it's still stuck, try jiggling the key to jostle to tumbler within to move. TRY TRI-FLOW SUPERIOR LUBRICANT This is the Locksmith recommended lubricant for ignition switches. If you have WD40, that can sometimes be used, but a word of caution- WD40 does collect dust and debri and may gum up your lock even further. BUMP THE KEY If the ignition still won't turn simply by jiggling the new mechanical key then you can try bumping the ignition lock cylinder. In order to bump the ignition lock you will need to spray Tri-Flow inside the ignition lock cylinder then insert the mechanical key part way into the ignition lock cylinder and, with care "bump" the rest of the key into the ignition lock cylinder using the handle of a heavy screwdriver, preferably one with a rubber handle to avoid unnecessary damage. We see in most cases, that a jammed ignition lock cylinder is the result of one or two misaligned wafers that are stuck inside the cylinder and prevent the lock from turning. Bumping the lock cylinder a few times can help to release the jammed wafers, and allow the ignition to turn again. DON'T TURN THE VEHICLE OFF (if you were able to get it started) Once you've successfully been able to turn your key in the ignition and the car is started, do not turn it back off as it can easily "slip" back into the stuck position. If the ignition lock is turned to the 'on' position, it is much easier to remove the auto ignition lock cylinders and replace them if that's needed. REPLACE YOUR IGNITION If your ignition got stuck in the first place, it is a sign that it's worn out and needs repair or replacing. You can certainly get on YouTube and learn how to do it yourself, if you're a DIY type of person. Otherwise, call a trusted locksmith to be assured that it's done properly. If all the above fails and you are unable to turn the key in the ignition, you'll need to call a professional locksmith to help you. A locksmith can do all of the above for you, if you don't feel confident to try the techniques discussed. Call Locksmith Westminster CO for all your locksmith needs.
By Gwen Thelen June 1, 2021
We know that one of the worst things is when you can't access your car or vehicle because you locked your keys in the car, or lost your car key. It's especially inconvenient when you need to be somewhere in a hurry. An auto locksmith is a specialist at helping you get back into your car if you're locked out. When many people think an auto locksmith they think "unlock my car" if I'm locked out. But you might be surprised that an auto locksmith can do so much more! They create new keys (key cutting and re-keying), they can remove a broken key from your car ignition and replace locks on your car door as well as the ignition system. The locksmith industry has become much more complex over the past 10 years due to all of the technological advances in security systems for vehicles. Auto locksmiths must have special training to keep up within the industry and to successfully unlock, rekey, reprogram, and replace locks on cars and ignition systems. Below are some of the details of what an auto locksmith can do, and some of the specialty services they offer. So, what are some of these specialty services? 1. Unlock your car and replace your car keys A primary specialty of an auto locksmith in Westminster lies in their mobile services. This means the locksmith will come arrive quickly and directly to your location. This can be especially helpful when you're stranded in some parking lot and need to be somewhere else fast. Fast mobile locksmith service in Westminster is highly appreciated by customers that need an auto locksmith when they're inconveniently locked out of their car at some random location. A second locksmith specialty offered by an auto locksmith requires in-shop services which include duplicating a car key or solving a related issue. Keep in mind that a locksmith is almost always cheaper than the dealership, which charges exponentially for these auto services. 2. Duplicate car key or replace car key Auto locksmiths primarily work with two kinds of keys. First is the traditional key. It is not attached to a fob or electrical piece. These keys are not complicated to make and are just like a typical house key- it's quite simple to get a duplicate or make a new car key from this kind of key. Things can be more complex when it comes to the key known as a key fob. Some fobs are also a transponder key, which means that they contain a chip that is uniquely programmed to a specific car. Many of these keys are also transponder keys, meaning that they have a chip that is programmed uniquely to that car. If the ignition can read the code programmed into the chip, then your car will start. If not, you'll need a auto locksmith that can duplicate just the key part of the key fob. There is an increasing number of transponder keys and keyless ignition fobs that don't allow you to lock your keys in the car while that key is in the vehicle. Regardless, we recommend that you have a duplicate key in case of an emergency. 3. Remove broken keys from an ignition Because car keys experience natural wear they can snap of due to a sudden wrong turn. Even if this is not very common, it can happen and requires a locksmith to retrieve the key from the ignition, otherwise known as key extraction. It can be hard to remove a broken car key because it usually breaks at a place where the crevices of the thin part of the key are exposed. An auto locksmiths must use a key extraction tool that attaches to these crevices to remove the key successfully. This kit is specially designed to be used by a locksmith, who can use the special tools to grasp both sides of the key. Trained locksmiths will have the tools necessary to extract the key from your ignition. We strongly suggest that you never try to extract the key yourself. If you damage your ignition in the attempt, you can be looking at a much higher cost of work to be done. 4. Programming a transponder key If you hire an experienced locksmith in Westminster, they will know how to reprogram your transponder key. Because of the increasing number of transponder keys and ignition fobs, locksmiths now have access to training in how to not only reprogram many kinds of these keys, but also make an entirely new programmed key, so that you can get back in your vehicle, or have an extra key for emergencies which we highly recommend. 5. Fixing or replacing ignition switches see our article titled "Can a Locksmith Replace my Car Ignition?" An auto locksmith can fix and replace car ignitions. Often, the problem with the ignition is with the cylinder that you put the key into. Sometimes, the ignition needs an entire replacement (wiring and all). An auto locksmith can do that too. It's important to mention that because car ignitions can be specific to brand and model, your car locksmith might not be able to replace the ignition right then and there. Parts may need to be ordered and the repair completed at the shop. In a situation such as this, a car locksmith may be able to get your car running so you can get to where you need to be. 6. Fixing or replacing locks on car doors An experienced Auto Locksmith is capable of replacing car door or trunk locks as well. It can be expected, with normal wear and tear, that locks simply wear down and become ineffective or non responsive to your key over time. To maintain the reliable security of your vehicle, have your locks replaced every so often to keep them in good working order. Call Locksmith Westminster for all your auto locksmith needs!
By Gwen Thelen May 11, 2021
A lot of times, our Westminster Locksmiths get asked the following question, "Will My Locks Need to Be Changed?" Most of our Westminster customers don't care for the idea of changing their lock because it involves throwing out the whole thing, including the knob, lever and lock! For homeowners, discarding a lock can be inconvenient and costly. Many times the lock itself has a particular style that matches the homeowner's decor, or it's in the same brand and style of all the other locks in the home. If your key no longer works in the lock or you need to maintain key-control, re-keying just may be the answer. The good news is that 95% of the time, locks do not need to be changed, but rather, re-keyed. What does Re-Keying a lock mean? Re-Keying a lock involves changing the cylinder in the existing lock so that the lock remains in tact. By changing the lock mechanism, the old key will no longer work to unlock the lock and a new key is needed. A skilled Westminster locksmith is required to remove the pins and springs in the lock cylinder and replace them with new pins and springs that work with a new and different key. Is a Re-Keyed lock as secure as the original lock? Yes. Security in a lock directly depends on how many pins are inside of it. As long as your trained Westminster Locksmith trades the old pins with new ones, your lock will remain just as secure as it was before. How long does it take to Re-Key a lock? A re-keyed lock can be completed in as little as 10-15 minutes by a trained, professional locksmith. If you are DIyer and try it yourself, you'll come to appreciate the skills that a locksmith has. Your locksmith is trained, skilled and licensed and has the proper specialty tools to execute a re-key successfully. A Locksmith Tool Kit is designed to deal with a large variety of locks, as all locks are not the same (See: All Locks Are Not Created Equal in our Blog ). How much will it cost me to Re-Key a lock? The cost to re-key a lock can be anywhere from $40-$80 depending on the type of lock and its current condition. The cost of re-keying a lock can also depend on the type of locksmith you need for the doors you can't open. In general, you can expect any trained and licensed locksmith to be able to handle the job. At Locksmith Westminster Co, we have been re-keying locks for our Westminster Community for over 7 years. We are very proud of the work we do and stand behind the quality of Locksmith service we provide. If you find you need a locksmith for your Westminster home to re-key any and all locks, give us a call. We are well known for being a fast locksmith, respectful, and efficient. Call now!
set of silver keys
By Gwen Thelen April 20, 2021
What does key alike mean? First of all, let's define what "key alike" means. To key alike your locks means that you only need one key to unlock all the doors. For instance, your front and back door might have the same key, or your office building may have one key for all doors. Advantages to keying alike. Saves you a ton of time. You won't have to lug around a heavy ring full of keys everywhere you go and riffle through them all trying to find the right one! And what if you forget which key it was that unlocked this particular door? More time. Saves you money in that you won't have to buy as many keys as you have locks. One key can go to 6 locks, for example. Convenience. You only have to carry around one key. But if you lose it, you may have to call Locksmith Westminster Co to help you out. If you happen to lose your key, you would only have to have one replaced. More convenience! Disadvantages to keying alike. Though controversial, some locksmiths do not recommend keying alike for the exterior of your home in that it is believed to be less secure. This is not the same for interior doors such as in an office building. Can I key alike the locks I have? It is possible to key alike your current locks, as long as they are all the same. If they are different, you will have to change the locks that are different to make keying alike possible for you. Following is a short list of locks that can be keyed alike: Euro Cylinder locks ( including Thumbturn + Double Euro ) Mortice locks Sashlocks Deadlocks Night Latches BS3621 approved locks Furniture locks House Locks such as Bathroom & Bedroom locks Padlocks A lock that cannot be keyed alike is a Euro Cylinder Lock with a lever operated (mortice lock). So, if you'd like to have keyed alike locks, you'll have to replace this with one that can be keyed alike. One way you can check to see if your locks can be keyed alike is to check to see if your key actually goes into the lock. Then that lock can be keyed alike. It isn't necessary for the key to actually unlock the door to be compatible, it simply needs to slide into the lock itself. If it doesn't slide into the lock then you'll need to replace the lock you have with one that is compatible. If you'd like your locks keyed alike, give Locksmith Westminster CO a call to discuss your specific needs.
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